We are one-year-old today!

One year ago today, Izwan & Partners was born.⠀

We are thankful for the support of our clients and friends over the past year. We look forward to many more years of being KL’s innovative startup and corporate law firm. ⠀

We are directly involved in the growth of the local startup and technology ecosystem and we hope that we can do a lot more to provide value to startups and founders in Malaysia and overseas.

Disclaimer: The content provided on this website does not constitute legal advice but are for general informational purposes only. It may not be the most up-to-date legal information after the published date. To seek professional legal advice, please book in a free initial 30 mins legal consult with us.

Picture of Izwan Zakaria

Izwan Zakaria

Izwan likes to write about startups. He enjoys working and mentoring entrepreneurs and founders. He is also a startup lawyer at Izwan & Partners.

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