Izwan & Partners Contributes to VC and PE Industry Growth with New Malaysia’s Guide

Izwan & Partners is proud to announce that it has contributed to the Securities Commission Malaysia’s (“SC”) ‘Practical Guide on Venture Capital and Private Equity in Malaysia’ (“Guide”). 

“We are honoured to have contributed to this landmark practical guide,” said Mohamad Izwan Zakaria, principal at Izwan & Partners who is also a committee member of The Malaysian Venture Capital & Private Equity Association (“MVCA”). 

He further added: “It is crucial to unlock more private capital to boost Malaysia’s economic growth, and this practical guide is a vital tool for fostering a vibrant and dynamic venture capital ecosystem. We hope that the guide helps provide regulatory clarity and to attract more investors and support the growth of innovative startups and high-growth companies.”

Izwan & Partners was primarily involved in contributing to the fund structuring aspects of the Guide’s contents. The Guide also sets out the common legal structures on setting up a venture fund to when it comes to navigating the Malaysian venture regulatory ecosystem.

Izwan & Partners focuses on advising first time fund managers on key areas such as fund structuring, regulatory compliance, foreign investment, tax implications, and exit strategies.

We hope that the guide will assist first time fund managers when it comes to deciding to make Malaysia as a preferred fund domicile to increase more funding opportunities in the domestic market.

The Guide is now available for download here.

Disclaimer: The content provided on this website does not constitute legal advice but are for general informational purposes only. It may not be the most up-to-date legal information after the published date. To seek professional legal advice, please book in a free initial 30 mins legal consult with us.

Picture of Izwan Zakaria

Izwan Zakaria

Izwan likes to write about startups. He enjoys working and mentoring entrepreneurs and founders. He is also a startup lawyer at Izwan & Partners.

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