Izwan & Partners collaborates with KL Startup Summit

Izwan & Partners is pleased to be involved with the recent KL Startup Summit as its content and legal partner.

Izwan Zakaria, the managing partner of Izwan & Partners said:

“We are so honoured to be selected as an exclusive legal partner with KL Startup Summit this year. As a niche corporate law firm focusing on advising high growth companies and early stage startups, we are constantly looking for ecosystem partners to work with to promote entrepreneurship and startup in Malaysia. I’ve known the organiser, Inbaraj Suppiah for many years now I am so glad to be given this opportunity to work with him and other amazing ecosystem builders in this recent programme. It was indeed a pleasure meeting so many people despite the challenge of running a fully virtual programme.”

As part of the organising committee, Izwan & Partners also hosted a masterclass workshop on dealing with legal contracts and agreements during the summit. Izwan Zakaria was also involved in giving the closing speech in the LawTech track.

The LawTEch track was organised under the KL Startup Summit in partnership with LawAsia 365 a consulting firm focusing on advising law firms and Asia-Pacific Legal Innovation & Technology Association (ALITA) a legal tech promotion association.

KL Startup Summit 2021 is led by the previous organiser of two successful Cyberjaya Startup Summit in 2018 and 2019 respectively. Under the tagline, “Talk less, do more”, KL Summit sought to be more action-oriented, with all stakeholders and partners fully committed to providing resources for the growth of the Malaysian startup ecosystem.

For more info about KL Startup Summit, visit https://www.klstartupsummit.com/

Disclaimer: The content provided on this website does not constitute legal advice but are for general informational purposes only. It may not be the most up-to-date legal information after the published date. To seek professional legal advice, please book in a free initial 30 mins legal consult with us.

Picture of Izwan Zakaria

Izwan Zakaria

Izwan likes to write about startups. He enjoys working and mentoring entrepreneurs and founders. He is also a startup lawyer at Izwan & Partners.

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