Izwan & Partners joins Fintech Booster as a legal partner

We are pleased to announce that Izwan & Partners is now a legal partner at Fintech Booster programme.

Fintech Booster is a new programme jointly launched by The Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) a government agency promoting digital economy adoption and Bank Negara Malaysia Malaysia’s central bank. The programme was co-developed by these two entities to support further the growth and development of fintech companies in Malaysia. They are so many benefits of joining the Fintech Booster programme, and we are so excited to be involved as a legal partner this year.

Izwan Zakaria, the managing partner of Izwan & Partners said:

“We have been following Fintech Booster’s initiatives closely since it was first launched last year in 2020. Notwithstanding the ongoing global pandemic, so many fintech companies are being developed especially in the financial inclusion space covering the underserved and unbanked. Again, we wish to thank the MDEC team who have invited us to be involved this year as a legal partner. We have worked with notable fintech companies this past few years like Wahed Invest, Ethis and Leet Capital, Akru Now and so on in their compliance work including dealings with the regulators. We do hope to contribute and share our knowledge in the fintech law and general legal and compliance so that we can further develop Malaysia as a preferred destination for a new fintech startup.” 

Izwaan further adds:

“South East Asia is a vibrant and growing ecosystem, and this has been emphasised again and again in the e-Conomy SEA report jointly published by Google, Temasek and Bain & Company. Of course, Malaysia represents one of the hotspot jurisdiction to set up a fintech company due to its excellent internet penetration and sizeable digitally connected population. Additionally, Malaysia has a large and growing young and digitally connected youth who are comfortable buying stuff online and subscribing to streaming services. They have the disposable income to spend in new fintech solutions like investment management, i.e. Robo-advisors and innovative e-payment solutions. Malaysia is also a great and cheap place to set up a business. Malaysia is an excellent jurisdiction to be used as a ‘springboard’ to expand to other neighbouring countries is quite common for many innovative and savvy technology entrepreneurs”.

As part of the partnership requirements, Izwan & Partners has to host at least one public programme quarterly. Our first public programme will be an overview of various fintech laws in Malaysia. Click here to sign up for the free event.

Fintech startups seeking legal and compliance advice or even business models can sign up for free as a participant on the Fintech Booster platform. Participants can also arrange and book a free initial consultation with a legal partner and other ecosystem partners onboarded on the Fintech Booster platform.

More information on the Fintech Booster is available here on their website.

Disclaimer: The content provided on this website does not constitute legal advice but are for general informational purposes only. It may not be the most up-to-date legal information after the published date. To seek professional legal advice, please book in a free initial 30 mins legal consult with us.

Picture of Izwan Zakaria

Izwan Zakaria

Izwan likes to write about startups. He enjoys working and mentoring entrepreneurs and founders. He is also a startup lawyer at Izwan & Partners.

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