The Malay Mail Online published our opinion on crowdfunding trends in Malaysia

Equity crowdfunding has been the general theme of our discussion this week. So we’re so happy to see when The Malay Mail Online decided to pick up on Izwan’s opinion article.

Earlier this week, we’ve also posted six legal tips for founders seeking to raise funds on equity crowdfunding platforms.

As the oldest newspaper in the country, they have an excellent regular opinion section where you can find both ordinary and prominent concerned Malaysian sharing their thoughts and views on the current issues in the country.

In the article, we discussed the failure of traditional banking to cater to the demand for high growth companies. The rise of equity crowdfunding and peer-to-peer (P2P) financing is contributed not just by technology companies but primarily trading and retail sectors by brick and mortar companies. For a more detailed justification why crowdfunding should form part of fundraising strategy, take a look at his earlier blog post.

The article also highlighted key trends and statistics on why we may see more demand for good and quality companies to be hosted on these platforms.

If you are planning to raise funds on equity crowdfunding or peer-to-peer financing platform, feel free to arrange a call with a crowdfunding lawyer.

Disclaimer: The content provided on this website does not constitute legal advice but are for general informational purposes only. It may not be the most up-to-date legal information after the published date. To seek professional legal advice, please book in a free initial 30 mins legal consult with us.

Picture of Izwan Zakaria

Izwan Zakaria

Izwan likes to write about startups. He enjoys working and mentoring entrepreneurs and founders. He is also a startup lawyer at Izwan & Partners.

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