Izwan & Partners advises microfinance startup Bee Informatica on seed round

Izwan & Partners recently advised a microfinance startup Bee Informatica on its seed investment round. The undisclosed investment is led by a group of Japanese angel investors.

Bee Informatica a fintech startup focusing on microfinance for underserved micro-entrepreneurs especially women. They are promoting financial inclusion by developing a proprietary algorithm which allows lenders to assess credit risks for borrowers.

The fintech company is also planning to offer microfinancing in the future, and it has recently received conditional approval to carry out moneylending business from the Ministry of Housing and Local Government in Malaysia.

Co-founder and CEO Fumiko Inada said of working with us,

Izwan Zakaria is an experienced fintech lawyer. Both of our co-founders are foreigners, and Izwan helped us a lot in navigating the local ecosystem by introducing us to helpful connections which saved us a lot of time. He is also very responsive when it comes to responding to our legal needs.

Recently Bee Informatica has also launched Pathos, a platform to empower women micro entrepreneurs with online tools to manage their business finance and access to credit.

We look forward to seeing Bee Informatica continue to grow in this high-growth fintech space.

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Picture of Izwan Zakaria

Izwan Zakaria

Izwan likes to write about startups. He enjoys working and mentoring entrepreneurs and founders. He is also a startup lawyer at Izwan & Partners.

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